What To Do If A Dental Implant Comes Loose
Dental implants are one of the most durable forms of tooth replacement you can choose, but there are times they fail. If a dental implant fails, it will come loose and may even fall out of your mouth. Here are the reasons this may happen and advice about what you should do if it happens. Why Implants Fail or Come Loose If you have an implant and it comes loose, it could either be that the screw holding the tooth came loose and just needs to be tightened, or it could be due a dental implant failure.…
Read More »Presenting A Polished Appearance—Preparing For A Professional Career
If you have aspirations of cultivating a professional career, you’re undoubtedly already pursuing the necessary educational goals or are in the process of planning a particular course of study. However, keep in mind that no matter how solid your credentials are, a visual appearance that doesn’t identify you as a professional will work against you. Fortunately, you don’t have to follow every hair and fashion trend in order to look professional unless you intend on working as a model, but you do have to cultivate a polished appearance.…
Read More »Keeping Your Teeth White After A Whitening Application
A whitening treatment helps dissolve dental stains that may be trapped inside the pores of the teeth. Each day, the teeth absorb pigments from ingested beverages and foods. As time progresses, the pigments build up and cause dental discoloration. Most whitening treatments include peroxide-based bleaching agents. Multiple applications are often needed to whiten the teeth. If an over-the-counter treatment is used, the instructions included with the kit should indicate the duration and suggested frequency of the product’s usage.…
Read More »Four Tips For Making Life With Braces Bearable
If you know that you are going to need braces, it’s probably something you are dreading. However, it’s better to embrace your life with braces instead of fight against it. In the end, you are going to have a beautiful smile, so there’s no need to be so hostile towards your braces. It’s going to help even more if you follow these four tips: Floss: Flossing around braces can be a pain, but if you don’t do it, you are more susceptible to dental problems after the braces are removed.…
Read More »3 Things To Know About Root Canals
Toothaches can be incredibly distracting and painful. They are often caused by cavities which are the result of tooth decay. Cavities can be prevented with proper oral hygiene and treated with fillings. However, in some cases a filling is not enough. Whenever the nerve or pulp of the tooth becomes infected, a root canal is often needed. This procedure involves removing the nerve and the pulp in the tooth and then sealing it up in order to prevent more decay and to alleviate the pain.…
Read More »Teeth Whitening Options
One of the most important aspects of your appearance is the look of your teeth. Sometimes, people place a huge focus on their clothing or hairstyle without paying attention to how the color of their teeth may impact how they are perceived. Nevertheless, the color of your teeth does not have to remain the same. There are many different ways to help whiten teeth that appear dark or stained. Here are a few options:…
Read More »Details About Veneers
There are lots of different ways to transform the look of your teeth. Cosmetic dental applications have been developed to give you the Hollywood smile that you’ve always wanted. One popular cosmetic service is the application of veneers. Here is a bit of information about veneers to help you determine whether or not they are right for you: Do you have significant dental imperfections? If you have chips or cracks in your teeth that are noticeable whenever you speak or smile, a veneer application may be the answer that you’ve been looking for.…
Read More »Living With Braces: Four Tips For Teens And Preteens
Having to get braces as a teen or preteen can be a bit of a blessing and a bit of a curse. You’re glad that, in a year or two, your teeth will be straight and beautiful. But at the same time, you have to face being a metal mouth for months on end! Braces surely do present a number of challenges, but luckily, there are a few ways you can make living with braces a lot simpler.…
Read More »Three Possible Causes Of Bad Breath That Just Won't Go Away
When your breath is a little smelly, you brush your teeth and use some mouthwash, and the smell goes away – except for when it doesn’t. Bad breath that lingers in spite of good dental hygiene is not something you should ignore. Here’s a look at some possible reasons why you’re suffering from ongoing smelly breath. You’re developing tooth decay Tooth decay is caused by oral bacteria. These oral bacteria release some pretty noxious odors.…
Read More »Beyond Looks: Three Other Reasons Invisalign Is Superior To Braces
When exploring various options for straightening your teeth, one that’s sure to attract you is Invisalign. These clear, plastic trays are often seen as a better option than braces because you can’t see them on your teeth unless you look very, very closely. However, invisibility is not the only benefit of Invisalign over braces. Here’s a look at a few more. They’re more comfortable. It’s no secret that wearing braces can be pretty uncomfortable.…
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