Should You Consider Dental Implants? 4 Things To Guide You

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Tooth implants are effective ways to fill gaps after losing teeth. If you have researched dental implants and think you could benefit from the treatment, you might wonder if you are the right patient for implants. Therefore, you should book a dental appointment for a thorough examination and evaluation. In the meantime, here are some clear signs you are fit for tooth implant surgery.

1. You Have a Healthy Jawbone

During surgery, your dentist will plant a screw into the jawbone and give it time to fuse. A healthy mandible supports the implant allowing it to chew and function like a real tooth. You'll need a strong and healthy jaw to increase your chances of success.

Patients who have failed to replace teeth for a long time suffer from bone loss. However, low bone density doesn't disqualify you from the race. You'll need to undergo a bone graft procedure to improve its stability.

2. You Have a Healthy Oral Cavity

Tooth implant installation involves a surgical operation. You'll need to be free from gum diseases and infections during your treatment to improve your chances of success. During the examination, your dentist will examine your mouth thoroughly to ensure your oral cavity is fit for the procedure.

High oral hygiene keeps the bacteria and infections at bay. Should the specialist find any active infection during the examination, they might recommend treating it first. Ensure you keep a clean mouth even after surgery.

3. You Don't Smoke

You are fit for invasive procedures if you don't smoke or are ready to quit smoking. Smoking inhibits your body's natural ability to heal. This could put you at risk of infections after implant installations. The process will also be unbearable due to slow healing. Dentists recommend quitting the habit to improve the outcome of the treatment.

4. You Have Patience and Understanding

Like many invasive procedures, there are costs, risks, and benefits if you consider implants. You'll need to have a positive mindset before undergoing the procedure. Your dentist will take you through everything you need to know.

Implant treatments take a few weeks to complete. You'll need to have patience and follow the dentist's instructions for a positive outcome. Therefore, you might need to adopt a positive attitude to enjoy a good experience.

Consulting with a dentist and researching can help you determine if you qualify for the tooth replacement procedure. Visit a local implant dentist such as Cruz Davis Family and Cosmetic Dentistry for examination before you start your journey to reclaiming your smile.
