Suggestions For People Who Are New To Dentures

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Dentures are prosthetic appliances that are used to replace missing teeth and the gums that surround them. Depending on the number of teeth that you need to have replaced, your dentist will suggest partial dentures or full dentures. 

Partial dentures are offered when you still have some natural teeth left in a palate. Full dentures are used when no natural teeth are present.

The preparation of your dentures usually takes a few weeks. The dentist must make a cast or impression of your mouth, which serves as a guide for the creation of the prosthetic teeth.

Before the final denture is made, a trial denture is usually produced to ensure that the appliance fits your mouth properly. In some cases, multiple trial dentures are prepared as the fit is adjusted to your needs.

Once you have your dentures, you are able to eat a larger variety of food, and the look of your smile is restored. Still, you will have to adjust to your new teeth. Here are a few suggestions for people who are new to dentures.

Start With Foods That Are Easy to Chew

With your new dentures in place, you may be tempted to tackle the toughest, chewiest food items, especially if your prior lack of teeth has severely restricted your diet. However, if you try to eat foods that are difficult to masticate too soon, you may not be able to chew the items comfortably since you have not mastered your new appliance yet.

Thus, it is best to start slowly with foods that are soft and can be easily chewed and swallowed, such as cooked veggies, yogurt, pudding, eggs, ice cream, and fish. Nevertheless, you should still be able to enjoy well-balanced meals. Additionally, you can transition to tougher foods in the coming weeks.

Continue to Brush

Just as you brushed your natural teeth, your dentures should also be brushed. The dentures cannot decay, but they can become coated with bacteria, plaque, and tartar.

The dentures should be brushed with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a gentle detergent or soap. You can rinse the appliance with lukewarm or cold water, but hot water should be avoided. The heat can warp the plastic components of the appliance.

In addition to brushing your denture, you should brush your tongue, inner cheeks, and gums with toothpaste to ensure that you eliminate the plaque and bacteria that can inflame your gums and cause bad breath.

For more information about dentures, schedule a consultation with a dental office like Cape Dental Care.
