3 Prosthodontic Treatments For A Chipped Central Incisor

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The central incisor teeth, also known as the two front teeth, are tall and thin and take care of the food grabbing that begins the chewing process. When a central incisor chips due to trauma or decay, the tooth can have difficulty grabbing food. And you can experience self-esteem issues due to having the chip in an obvious position in your mouth.

Prosthodontics, or the cosmetic dentistry rebuilding of teeth, can offer treatment options to correct the chipped tooth. What are some of the treatment options for a chipped central incisor?

Resin Dental Bond

Resin dental bonds offer the fastest, most affordable, and sole removable type of prosthodontics available for treating a chipped incisor.

The resin material starts out soft like clay but has enough natural adhesion that the dentist can form the resin straight onto the tooth's surface without the sanding down of enamel and dentin required for dental cement to stick. Once the dentist has molded the resin onto the tooth and corrected the crack, the material is hardened with a special tool.

Resin isn't stain resistant and you still need to use caution when chewing on that tooth or you could chip or break off the dental bond.  

Porcelain Veneer

Veneers like bonds only cover the front flat surface of the central incisor, which works fine if that is where the chipped portion of tooth is located. The porcelain of the veneers is firmer and stronger than resin, which means the dentist needs to create the veneer in the lab and then cement the piece to the front of the shaved-down tooth. Veneers require the most tooth shaving out of any of the other prosthodontics options.

Porcelain looks more natural than resin in coloration and opacity. While porcelain is stronger, it still isn't as strong as metal and you will need to use caution while chewing on that tooth.

Metal-Backed Dental Crown

Does the central incisor have a substantial chip that makes it hard to cover from only the front? Your dentist might decide to use a dental crown that is crafted in the lab then cemented over all sides of the tooth. The natural tooth will still need slight shaving to both improve the cement adhesion and to make more room for the physical bulk of the crown.

Porcelain dental crowns look natural but one that also adds metal backing will have greater strength than any of the other prosthodontics options that look natural. A small sliver of metal might still be visible at the gum line but other people won't notice the line.

For more information concerning dental services, consult businesses like Dansville Family Dental Care.
